The Visual Communication Design (DKV) S1 Study Program is one of the study programs under the Faculty of Creative Industries Telkom University. This Study Program is a merger of two institutions, namely DKV Telkom Institute of Management (IM Telkom) and DKV Indonesian College of Art and Design (STISI) Telkom. Formed in the process of unifying several educational institutions under the management of the Telkom Education Foundation into Telkom University.

The transformation process into Telkom University took place in 2013, in accordance with the decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 270/0/E/2013 dated July 17, 2013 concerning the Merger of Telkom Polytechnic, Telkom Institute of Technology, and Telkom Management Institute organized by the Telkom Education Foundation into Telkom University in Bandung Regency, West Java Province and the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 309/E/O/2013 dated 14 August 2013 concerning the Permit for the Amalgamation of the Indonesian College of Art and Design (STISI) Telkom in Bandung Regency, West Java Province, organized by the Indonesian Independent Education Foundation in Bandung Regency, West Java Province, to Telkom University organized by the Telkom Education Foundation in Bandung, West Java Province.


Become a superior Visual Communication Design study program based on ICT and local wisdom as well as a center for creativepreneur development that is recognized by the national and international community.


  • Organizing education in the field of Visual Communication Design to produce graduates with Creativepreneur spirit who master ICT and understand local wisdom.
  • Strengthening research in the field of visual communication design with industry, academia, private and government to produce works that have an impact on the growth of the creative economy.
  • Carrying out community service activities through the implementation of Creativepreneur that supports the improvement of the quality of life and community empowerment.


  • Instilling an entrepreneurial spirit, especially in the field of Industry
  • Producing research works and innovative products in the field of art and design that are useful in improving the quality of life of the community
  • Produce graduates who have entrepreneurial competence in the field of Visual Communication Design